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Essential Workforce

Penguin Pest penguin easying in a lawn chair


Critical Essential Infrastructure Workforce

To Our Friends & Customers:

Governor Polis has just issued a state wide executive “Stay at Home” order. This order directs all Coloradan to stay home unless they are engaged in certain activities or working for businesses that are considered part of our Essential Critical Workforce Infrastructure Workforce. Also about 10 days ago the U.S. Department of Homeland Security issued a memo which gave Guidance on the Essential Critical Infrastructure Workforce.

Both the, Colorado order, and the federal memo make it absolutely clear that pest control is an essential service. We have not only been allowed to continue operation, but we have actually been directed to continue operations. The reason for this is simply that we don’t want to create a secondary problem on top of COVID 19. Discontinuing pest control on a state or national level would create an outbreak of many pest infestations. Pests such as mice, cockroaches, rats, & crickets, etc transmit diseases, and if left unchecked on a large, society-wide scale, they would increase dramatically.

In order to do our part in maintaining and developing a healthy society, Penguin will continue to offer services as we have been directed by both our state and federal government. In doing so we are maintaining safe practices such as keeping 6 feet of distance from others.

Also, on the western slope Penguin along with our communities have been fighting an invasive elm seed bug infestation. We will continue that fight this year.

For more information you may watch the above video which explains in further details the state and federal orders concerning our critical infrastructure workforce. It also talks about what is still permissible under the stay at home order.

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